Wednesday, June 15, 2011

#7 CO & # 6

#7 CO (House update)
I had my last Monday update with Doug yesterday...=(... during which he advised me they were in the final stretch and just about done on the house. The schedule for this week is sod installation along with free sprinklers and a hose...yay! The punch out guy should be finished in a day or so, drywall sub will be coming to do a final inspection, and the painters will be coming to touch up any rough areas. Friday he is going to have the carpet cleaned and the house power washed for our final walk through. That is also the last and final inspection scheduled for our home.
I guess you guys are wondering what the CO is for...they received our certificate for occupancy from the city! WOOOHOO!!! This is a very good thing Doug said.
That was yesterday.
Today I was so excited to hear that the sod was being installed that I made hubby come and get me on my lunch break to go over and see. Well the bad part about that is there was no sod being done.  The good part is that Doug was there and we got to do a pre-final walk through since the hubby can't attend on Monday.
There was blue tape everywhere so it really wasn't all that much for us to point out. We did notice the stove was wobbly, a couple of the cabinets wasn't lined right, there was mud in a few places, and the master bath had grout all along the tub. When we went up to point out the issues in the bathroom there was already someone fixing it which made me very happy. It shows they are really building a quality home and take pride in what they do.

# 6 pics will speak for themselves!


  1. Minaq,
    Do you know what the diminsions of your lot are? Now that I can see your yard, Im trying to get an idea of how big ours will be.

    House looks great!

  2. I love love love your house!! It's soooo pretty!! And the sod is sooo green!! NICE!!!

    Wody, you building in that same neighborhood? Did you get my messages on my blog before I delete them with ways to reach me?

    Minaq, I can only imagine how excited you are!! It looks so pretty! I can't believe your almost ready to close!

  3. The sod looks great I cannot wait till our are in. I sure hope that they will be there before we move in. Our house across the street they are building a rome and they moved in this previous week and yet they have no sod. Now, I wonder if we will get any before we move in but I doubt it. The pixs look great.

  4. Thanks Guys!

    @ Wodyj luck was on.your I had just laid down ready to hit the sack and noticed my Ryan bag is hanging on my bed.

    According to the site development plan
    The lot is a little under a quarter of an acre. The yard is 68 feet across and 59 feet down. Our house is right in the middle of the lot, we have 14 feet on each side of the house before it meets the neighbors lawn. Oh I forgot it is 28 feet from the garage to the public walk way.

    I hope this helps you!

  5. The sod looks so great...I am sooo jealous...we only get seed and I am guessing it is not that great, although my soon to be new neighbors grass appears to be coming in nicely, but will see how it is doing with the monster heat wave we just had.

  6. Thanks Minaq.

    @ Noey, I must have missed that post. Dang it.

  7. Wody: Email me at or you can hit me up on FB...Noelle Smith! I have a picture of a flower and a saying/quote for my profile pic.
